Mendix Operations Manager (MxOM)


Low code has revolutionized the speed at which organizations can create new digital solutions. And yet rapid change and flexible software also brings risks: How do I use low code to rapidly innovate new digital solutions, while remaining secure, compliant, in control of costs, and ensure consistent quality?

MxOM provides the answer to your governance needs. Policy-based governance of your low code landscape. Create policies that enable you to govern your applications, providing control over security, quality, licenses, and application availability.


Mendix enables both experienced and non-IT developers to quickly create software using a standard technology stack and reusable components. This flexibility and ease however also brings risks: creating insecure software, out of date components, uncontrolled changes to production apps, non-compliance with development standards, and difficulty in realizing DevOps with non-technical developers.     


MxOM automatically scans your Mendix projects and deployed apps. This information is compared to policies you set, and a central knowledge base provided by Blue Storm. Policies can be used to prevent non-compliant changes, automatically update and patch apps, remind app owners and operators of recurring tasks, and govern the state of your entire Mendix landscape. 


The result is that your development and business teams are empowered to embrace the true potential of low code. While they focus on app value and user experience, MxOM works in the background ensuring that your apps are secure, compliant, available, and cost-effective – all without the need for highly experienced and hard to find ops, technical, and cloud infrastructure experts.


Unified Dashboard

MxOM provides a single dashboard to unify the monitoring and control of your entire Mendix platform, regardless of how or where you deploy your Mendix apps. Licenses, Users, Policies, Runtime Versions, Marketplace Components, and Development metrics are all brought together in a single location for maximum visibility and control.

MxOM Repository

The MxOM Repository is a central knowledgebase maintained by Blue Storm. Blue Storm tracks the latest versions of the Mendix runtime, Marketplace content, Java libraries, and solutions to well known problems – providing you with real-time information about the state of your Mendix apps.

Multi-Cloud Support

MxOM supports managing apps that are deployed to the Mendix Cloud and your private cloud. Additionally, Mendix Team Server and private repositories (GIT / Subversion) are supported for scanning your project files. However you choose to deploy and use Mendix, we support you.

policy dashboard

Policy Manager

The MxOM Policy Manager enables you to set policies globally, at group level, or at app level, providing you the flexibility to adapt the management of your apps to the needs of your organization. Monitor the compliance of deployed apps, and check apps for compliance issues before deploying.

Automated Pipelines

Control builds and deployments by ensuring that they meet your set policies, and are approved by the right persons. Track and audit changes to your Mendix apps from a single dashboard.

Service Provider Support

MxOM empowers application management service providers to manage their own customers, and use MxOM in a multi-instance deployment. MxOM enables you to work closely together with your customers, enabling self-service while still retaining centralized control over quality, security, availability, and change.

Component Repository

MxOM helps you to keep control over the reusable software components used by your Mendix apps. Java libraries, modules, widgets and Mendix runtimes can all be viewed and monitored from a single dashboard.

software component browser
app status dashboard

App Status Dashboard

MxOM presents an overview of the status of the analysis of your app logs, app policy violations, and underlying hosting platform status to give a single pane view of the current state of each app. Drill in to the app status to discover what is currently affecting the operation of your app.

Policy Dashboard

MxOM will automatically scan your apps for the implementation of security best practices (E.g. using the default admin user, disabling demo users, setting default access rules) and technical debt (E.g. Age of the Mendix runtime, support status and age of used components, last commit to Team Server) and present the results in an easy to use dashboard. Drill in to view the details.

app scorecard dashboard
task dashboard

Task Dashboard

MxOM enables you to manage recurring tasks across your entire landscape of Mendix apps: certificate renewals, verifying user access, compliance reports, applying urgent patches – whatever the task, MxOM helps you to keep your apps secure, compliant, and fully operational.

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